
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Daily R.O.U.T.I.N.E

Wow... i realized that last month i only posted two entries... So little my dear readers(ade ke?) Actually i'm quite busy doing some writing jobs n KISSM assignments...not that busy actually but the better word is LAZY. I rather watching television for the whole day even though the some of the show is not to my interest... Here are my every day routine :

0830: Wake up n breakfast
0900: Sweep n mop the floor, feed the cats, clean them up.
1030: Cooking for lunch
1200: Lunch time (not to forget washing plates n glasses)
1300: Watching TV
1400: Pick up clothes
1500: Take BATH *lambat betol mandi*
1600: Watching TV
1700: Afternoon nap *excuse me it is evening *
1830: Dinner
1945: Watching TV / Surfing Internet
2100: Watching TV
0100: Take BATH
0200: SLEEP

This routine will be repeated again, again and again... kinda boring n robotic...i didn't talk much at home because i'm always alone... No Kidding..
There's one day my mum, dad, n sis were working ..i only talk to them during dinner time and the only word that came out from my mouth is *UMM* ...for the whole day i didn't speak to anybody n that was my only word. That is not the 1st time it already happened for several times.. I only laughed to the comedy show on tv n play with my cats.. 

Day after day i can feel that become passive n stupid. I didn't read any story book. I think watching those series can help me to improve my English *YEAH RIGHT* 

Deep down i do need something to cheer me up. That's why, starting tomorrow i will go for jogging in the morning n evening..i gonna add up some exercise to my boring routine...Hoping that i reduce some weigh before i get posted *I wonder WHEN and WHERE it will be*..



  1. daily routine is almost same as urs....haha..juz i usually wake up ard eng is getting poorer n poorer too as x much reading is done during my hol...haha

  2. hahaha. i understand hw u feel. we all have become mute at home. xD

  3. chan: haha.. 1030... i can't because my eyes will automatically open fresh at 830..hihi i don't have any interesting book to read... that's why...need to buy something for pleasure reading..hihi

    Ah sze: home i'm very quite..almost MUTE i think.. no where to go also in SIBU..stay at home..adding more fat to my body~~

  4. posting? hjg bulan tok.. haha.. nebes ndah..
    btw, gud luck with ur exercise.. xD

  5. nurul: go go go gtew...haha harus body mantap time ngajar kan..hihi

    Shapiq: benar ka ujung bulan tok..hemm alu nebes rasa..tapi sik sabar mok ngajar.. mesti meriah kelas kelak.. hihi
