
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hachiko True Story

This heartwarming true story is an American adaptation of a Japanese tale about a loyal dog named Hachiko. This very special friend would accompany his master to the train station every day and return each afternoon to greet him after work. Sadly his master departs one day, passes away and never returns to the station. Hachiko faithfully returns to the same spot at the station the very next day, and every day for the next nine years to wait for his beloved master. During his daily visits, Hachiko touches the lives of many who work near and commute through the town square. He teaches the local people love, compassion and above all unyielding loyalty. Today, a bronze statue of Hachiko sits in his waiting spot outside the Shibuya station in Japan as a permanent reminder of his devotion and love.

P/S Makin menjadi2 flu aku lepas touching2 nangga citer tok~~

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sorry seems to be the hardest word to say...

Yes, we as a normal human being (not an alien), do some mistakes. Mistakes can be divided into two parts which are known and unknown...meaning that you didn't realise your mistakes or you did it on purpose...most of the time you didn't realise it.

The mistakes can cause you to be scolded again and again...No matter how hard you apologise...they will still mad at just like a stain that won't come out even though you try to wash it away... The good deeds that you did or performed before will be forgotten...(wlpun jual beribu-ribu promotion pun)....
P/S: Mistakes are easy to remember compared to good deeds...right??

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Third Time

Ok...tis is the third time i did the ***... God knows that i am not like them...i had enough...not amusing at all... and make me under the weather... i was really desperate..

After i did it...i was
  1. sweating a lotzzz
  2. i can't get rid of the 'smell'
  3. shaking n frightening
  4. hungry as hell * just had my 'curry maggie'*
  5. i had insomnia..hemmm
So, no more next time will harm yourself.... nothing i can get from it is an unbearable pain through out your body and soul... i really regret of what happened...

p/s: Enough is Enough....

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Untold Secret

We as a human do have something secret/story that is personal which we keep it to ourselves. Are secrets meant to shared? As for me secret is secret...(pa ka?) meaning that i will keep it to myself. Not sharing with others. Not telling it to others.

Some secrets can be very sensitive and horrible. It comes with very3x bad memory and impact to the person. Moreover, secrets can ruin people's life and make their life miserable.

So how to manage secret within yourself? Yeah it is hard...tons and tons of secrets will make you DOWN...MEK DOWN...

If you told the secret to others..... THEN IT IS NO LONGER A SECRET>>> i just keep it to myself...better kan...keep keep keep keep it.....

P/S : Too much of it can make you sick a.k.a PUKE~~

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dream or Sign ?

For the past few nights, i dreamed about something kinda weird but cute. People said that before you get on the bed, you should wash your feet first. If not you will have a bad dream.(superstitious?) naah... i think it is all about hygiene. You wouldn't step on your bed with dirty n muddy feet.

So, this dream that i talking about is I HAVE 2 LITTLE CUTE BOYS...

Seriously, i have no idea why am i keep on dreaming for the same dream. In the dream, i was playing football with both of my 'children'. They are so adorable and did i mention CUTE? They are enjoying themselves playing football. They said to me:
"Daddy, daddy please pass the ball to me"
I'm playing football? (since when?)... (ada la juak time year 6..iya pun kena paksa) haha... Then the children and i walked back home and had our dinner together. They seem so happy and i looked fatherly (not mama) in the dream....This dream keep on coming to me thrice until this morning..

When i woke up, i tried to google search for the meaning of the dream...but i found is the meaning of the dream? any idea? i'm clueless...

P/S: I didn't manage to see my WIFE in the dream? haha~~

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The differences between men n women..

I just found this jokes...just to it true?

- A man has six items in his bathroom: toothbrush and toothpaste, shaving cream, razor, a bar of soap, and a towel .

- The average number of items in the typical woman's bathroom is 337. A man would not be able to identify more than 20 of these items.

- A woman worries about the future until she gets a hu
- A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.

- A successful man is one who makes more money t
han his wife can spend.
- A successful woman is one who can find such a man.

- A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.
- A man marries a woman expecting that she won't cha
nge, but she does.

- A woman will dress up to go shopping, water the plants, empty the trash, answer the phone, read a book, and get the mail.
- A man will dress up for weddings and funerals.

What did the boys and girls think while they were dating ?
Dating a girl wearing her heart.
As for the guy when dating put the mind and heart ....... reversed!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Membuat ku aww....

Bila aku teringat balik cerita nih..aku mesti tergelak sorang-sorang…

Alkisahnya…aku nih ditakdirkanlah kawin dengan sorang mamat nih..ntah dari mana la datangnya…mak aku yang suruh..dia kata budak nih baik la alim la pandai la..lepas tu terus kami kawin.

Masa first time kawin tu, memang kucar kacir gak arr rumah tangga kami..dan yang aku paling tak tahan tu dia memang selalu saja buat aku sakit hati…

Eiiiii…geramnya aku!!!

Mana taknya,aku basuh baju dia sekali la ngan baju aku..then lepas basuh..nak jadi cerita..ada lah plak baju dia yang turun warna melekat kat baju aku….haihhh..memang sakit hati…baju baru kot…mahal lagi!!! Then bila aku tanya dia..kenapalah tak bagitau aku yang baju dia ada yang turun warna..dengan slumber dia kata..

”Lah..awat tak tanya…”

Eiii..geramnya aku!!!

Selang beberapa hari, dia ada ajak aku pi shopping.Ok,fine..aku ikut jer la…weekend la katakan. Lepas tu nak jadi cerita, dia punyalah excited nak pi shopping..sampai aku kalih kalih belakang..HILANG!!..

Aku cari gak dekat dekat area situ kot kot ada tapi memang hampeh…Aku try call, tak lagi pon tak angkat..huhh..tension betul!! Then, aku amik keputusan tunggu kat kereta jer..seminit,..lepas tu dua minit,… lepas tu….SEJAM KOT!! Huhh..memang sakit hati betul!! Then bila dia mai dekat kereta, aku tanya, pegi mana? kenapa call tak angkat??!! Yang aku tak tahan, dia dengan slumber jawab.

“ shopping la sayang…owh..ada call ekk?? Alah..lupa nak bagi tau…terlupa bawa hanset..hehe..”

Eiiii..geramnya aku!!!!

Seminggu lepas tuh..dia kata teringin nak makan masak ayam berempah dengan masak lemak cili api.. ok..fine…aku masak jer…Tapi memang la aku nih tak la pandai masak sangat…tapi bolehlah klu setakat nak makan kan..aku hidang bagi dia makan…Masa first time dia suap kat mulut tuh…Aku bajet dia nak kata apa-apa..Tapi dia diam..Memang tak kata apa-apa pon sampai dia habis makan..Habis makan pon tak kata apa..

Aku pon confius…dia ni no respond..sedap ka tak?? Hmm..klu ikut aku la..orang yang masak ni la kan…aku rasa ok jah lah..tapi tak tau la orang yang makan nak kata apa..huhhh…..

Esok plak, time aku on the way nak balik dari tempat keje, kereta aku plak wat hal..tak boleh start..panik gak arr aku time tuh..malam dah nih..nak masuk Isyak dah…haihh..time aku balik keje lewat2 lah keta nak wat hal..then, aku call dia…

Yang aku tak boleh tahan tu..dia dengan slumber kata..

“Lah awat la call saya…call la mekanik…ingat call saya keta awak bleh jalan??….”

Eiii…geramnya aku!!!

Tapi…dia mai jugak lepas tuh…ada lah dia check apa ntah kt depan bonet tuh…dan lepas start…terus boleh…hmmm..dalam hati…aku kata,

“bleh la jugak mamat nih nak diharap…mekanik kecil-kecilan, janji free”…

Satu hari, dia ada bagitau yang dia kena pi outstation kat overseas. Dia kata pi kejap jah…2 MINGGU!!..hmm..aku memang no komen lah…dia nak pi buat keja dia…takkan nak kata tak boleh kot…keja arkitek…biasalah…busy la kot…

Tapi..memang agak sakit hati jugak lah..bleh dia lesap macam tu jah..lepas2 naik flight....kot2 la nak call bagitau dah sampai ka..ada kat mana ka…tapi memang hampeh!!..langsung dia tak call!! Kot2 la nak bagi emel ka..tapi memang tak dak…kosong inbox!!

Eiii…geramnya aku!!!

Pagi tuh..aku basuh baju…ok..sekarang aku dah taw dah baju mana yang turun warna…aku ambik satu persatu dalam bakul nak basuh..sampai la aku jumpa bungkusan misteri dekat bahagian bawah baju-baju tuh…jeng3..huishh..siap dengan surat lagi..

Suratnya berbunyi begini:

Kehadapan isteriku (cewahhh..),

Semoga berada dalam keadaan yang sihat sentiasa…jangan marah-marah ek..hehe..Saya bukannya apa…saja tulih surat nih..bosan…tak tau nak buat apa…hihi

Pertama sekali…saya nak bagi tau lah..mungkin awak tak kenal saya..tapi saya kenal jer awak…sejak awak darjah 6 lagi kot!! tak ingat ka anak Pak Mail kawan ayah awak yang mai beraya kat umah awak time tuh??!! …Masa tuh..saya nampak awak dok main masak-masak kat belakang umah…hahaha…memang sangat lucu…saya nampak awak macam 'anak patung'..comel sangat…

Ishkk..awak ni..tak berasan ker??

Keduanya, sori la pasal hal shopping tuh..memang saja jer saya tak mau bawa hanset time tuh…hihi..takot terkantoi…yer la…saya pi cari baju awak kot!! Ingat baju yang awak kata terkena warna tuh?? Huh…memang tension..susah btul nak cari..memang patut la mahal dan memang patot la awak bengang satu hari…hihi…

Ketiganya, pasal ayam berempah dengan masak cili api yang awak masak…hmm…mesti awak bengang kan sebab saya no respond…huhu…sebab SEDAPPPP SAAANGAT sampai saya jadi tak terkata…Eh,saya makan dalam masa 5 minit ja kot..ikut jam dinding kat umah kita…

Ishkk..awak ni..tak berasan ker??

Keempatnya…time keta awak rosak…hmm..awak tau tak saya CANCELLLL appointment saya dengan klien penting dari overseas sebab nak pi kat awak??!! Lepas2 tuh..jenuh saya nak pujuk diorang balik…Tau tak saya langgar smua traffic light merah!! Baju saya basah dengan peluh masa saya sampai kat awak??

Ishkk..awak ni..tak berasan ker??

Tapi lepas saya tahu saya kena pi outstation kt overseas..saya lagi seronok…happy glerr..sebab saya tau awak mesti rinduuu kat saya kan..kan2?? Saya memang saja jer tak call awak…hihi…tapi saya ok jah…saya rasa saya dah sampai dah kot lepas awak baca surat nih…

“Wow,look at the Eiffel Tower!! Fuyoo!!! Cantik kot!! “

Hahahahahaaaaaaaa..jangan jeles..(^-^)

Last but not least…awak..awak jangan nakal-nakal ekk…sebab saya saaaaayang awak…

P/S: Try tengok sama x dengan baju awak yang rosak ari tu “bungkusan” nih…hihi



p/s awal pagi baca cerita nie...wah terus jiwang for whole day...aww...

Friday, October 29, 2010

Cherita Anembiak Ngelasak

Diatu aku ka bechrita enggau bala kaban ia nyak cherita anembiak ngelasak..

Dalam dunya tok, mensia sigik mayuh penumbuh enggau pemerinsak. Sigi baka mensia. Bisi sekedak mayuh amat cherita iya.. nyau kadang2 baka bula cherita di tusi iya ..anembiak tok sigi udah lama bekaban enggau bala kaban ia. Suba iya selalu mintak tulung enggau urang, enggai jauh ari blubang tumbung kaban ia. Kini-kini pejalai bala kaban, iya sigi nitih ari belakang. Laban iya siko ajak bansa ngelai ari urang. Iya nadai mayuh kaban enggau begulai laban iya bisi mayuh cherita enggau nyemedis ke ati urang tau ka ke nyadi nerus ka bala kaban iya enda caya enggau cherita ia agik.

Diatu iya udah bisi bulih kaban baru, ba endur baru. Diatu iya nemu ngiga kaki ka di bai iya bejegau. Kaban2 iya ke suba nyau enda ke iboh ke iya agik, laban iya dah bulih penemu iya diak. nadai ko enggau .. tapi pendiau iya nyau makin belik n ngelasak. Mula pun iya bisi kaban baru, alu bai iya kin kitu. Nadai iya ka madah ka kaban lama iya. Utai lama ko urang..nie bisi di peda agik enti udah bisi bulih ke baru.. nyau ia bekaban enggau urang ke se bansa enggau iya, nyau makin lama nyau makin nyadi iya bejaku bula iya..dini enda bulih penemu iya ko? Pelaba ka aku sigi ka minta pehatian. Urang lama enggau iya begulai nyau enda rindu meda iya. Tak ngasuh ati pedis aja. Enti iya muka mulut alu pansut bala sidak pembula iya..aku to ukai ke berapa kali udah kena..nyau lejuk..nyau udah temu chara iya nyak.. makin lama makin ngelasak..semua utai ba dunya tok di temu iya...kelalu landik meh iya diatu..enggai alah enti bejaku..nyak aku ta enda ati ko ia..lama2 asai ka datai jari enggau mulut...nasib aku tok enda jampat datai jari...enti enda lama iya dah tama sepital... ngenang kedirik enda lama gik ba ditu..ngetat ka dirik aja meh...hemm..nangka tok aja auk..ila aku betusi baru cherita anembiak ngelasak tok..

P/S 1st karangan aku dalam bahasa iban...haha... sapa yg xpaham...cepat2 pegi belajar bahasa iban...lebih kurang bm ja.. senang ja..

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ku Seru Selipar Jamban Ku

This is the second time they took my slippers. The 1st time was on July, where the MAKCIK took my gorgeous orange slippers. On that day, my roommate and i went to Fpend for the meeting and consultation with the fabulous supervisor.(benar ka?) opss...My new slippers
(jauh merantau dari Zaaba)

When we arrived at our hostel,everything seems to be so clean along the corridor. Rupanya mereka sapu semua selipar..patutt nmpk bersih...terus MEROYAN kedak orang hilang anak....matila~~ Dahla baru kena reject proposal , then selipar pulak hilang...makin tensen dibuatnya..aaaa...Luckily i still have my capal/high heels.....nang DIVA la pergi jamban..dahla bunyi mcm pakai high heels...haha...u try imagine, i' wearing towel, pastu high heels..(FASHION VICTIM)...lepas tu pikir lagi mcm mana nak berak??? tinggi semacam... taik pun susah mok keluar ewwwww......
(hiasan semata-mata)

The second time petang td. Dah la tgh syok tido..pastu aku terbangun sebab terdengar bunyi plastic...I feel something wrong openned my door quietly and i saw ONE FAT OLD BOLD FELLOW.... sedang jadi PONDAN YG GIGIH....ambik semua selipar kat koridor.. I can't do anything...i want to scream takut nanti orang ingat KEBAKARAN...(matila~~) So i just keep quiet and closed the door and try to REDHA...but i can't....MEROYAN LAGI DGN SI STEVE...kali ini macam orang baru mati BINI...haha
Now u imagine. Kita pergi jamban dengan selipar jamban. Kita letak di luar sbb ia kotor. Kalau masuk dlm bilik, nanti akan jadi berpasir dan ada sisa tahi lekat di selipar...Anda mahu tidor sekali dgn selipar yg ada TAHI...Patut la bilik SIDAK kamah n i know puncanya...mun kat rumah...ada kita bawa selipar masuk dalam rumah...pastu letak kat bilik tidur?

So the point is...adakah salah letak selipar jamban kat luar bilik? My suggestion is they should provide us with SHOES rack.. jap jap jap mereka tak paham shoes rack itu pa... meh saya letak gmbr...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Think about it...

Sometime people do not appreciate what they have in life. Why they need to cheat? Especially the person that they love and married for a long time. I always wonder why why and why...

Dah tua bangka pun masih mok tido ngan perempuan lain..Perempuan itu jugak bodoh...Dah tau laki orang masih juak mok tido ngan dia.. Why why why always disturb other people life? Why can you look for someone else?

Pity the wife. She doesn't know anythimg about the IMMORAL relationship. Suaminya balik dari kerja tiap hari BERLAKON.. Jadi ANGEL depan mata isteri dan anak2. Lepas tu yang tak tahan...TIDUR jugak sama Si Isteri . masih jugak merasa...Tidak rasa bersalah ka? ... Isteri memang jadi BARANG MAINAN untuknya.

Tuhan Maha Adil & Berkuasa. Petunjuk demi petunjuk diberi kepada anaknya.. Anaknya telah lama mengetahui SCANDAL MAUt ini...tapi tidak berani bersuara kepada ibunya.. Anaknya terpaksa memendam rasa geram dan sedih...Hanya mampu menonton LAKONAN hebat bapanya yg durjana.. Apa nak jadi dengan hidup mereka sekeluarga?

Why , why and why this thing happened? Adakah penghabis video itu sesuai?? Let us think together...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Chemistry Lesson

I was talking to my best friend few days ago.. Nang lama juak sik bercakap ngan nya..kira 2-3 minggu juak..selalunya every week i will called him (walaupun sekejap aja)...i never keep any secret with him.. Dah lama gilak berkawan bh..siap tau perangai gila-gila dirik empun .. kadang-kadang sampai kredit tepon abis baru stop bercakap ..(nang hebat)..merah telinga bercakap lama gilak..haha

Back to the story, Hilton and i always resembled the past, while we had our conversation..So we talked about a shamefully funny incident in the Form 5E class(kelas aku mmg tidak penah disukai cikgu2 sekolah sia) kelas yg agak suka melawan and sik kesah ngan cgu time ngajar...
It was chemistry lesson. My teacher was Cikgu Tan Mei Ling. She was very strict and loud to her students. So Hilton and i were sitting 2nd front line in the classroom(budak pengawas bh) harus divas duduk depan... During the lesson, i was telling a joke to him about my neighbour's son who always make noise while playing outside the house.

ME: Ton, did you know that my neighbour's son always making noise while playing bicycle outside the house..he was screaming extremely loud until you can wake up from wonderful sleep...tapi nya bisu..sik bole cakap..sik paham apa orang cakap.. geram aku kadang2...
HILTON: Apa ko cuba padah tok? sik paham aku koh!! Ko madah anak jiran ko bising, jerit2 n main basikal...pas ia ko madah nya bisu, sik paham pa orang padah... Nie ada org bisu pandai jerit2? Bukan sidak nya duduk diam2 jak ka? Pelik juak jiran ko ia ho... ko nang bulak la
Me: Aih benar.. Nya dapat kuar bunyi bah..(try to convience him)
Hilton: dah dah dah... bulak ko iya.. sik penah aku dgr org bisu polah bising ..( he starts to giggle and laugh at me)

Me: (aku pon pikir for a minute) Betol juak ho...So iya bukan category bisu kot...hemm

Hilton: NANG KO PEMBULAK. Pembulak Abis!!..ahahahahaha

Me: Aku pun sik paham apa ku padah.. tapi cerita aku iya benar aih..harus ko datang rumah aku tgk dirik empun...HAHA

Both of us started to laugh and giggle away..alu molah bising kejap time cgu ngajar kat depan...
CGU TAN: Kenapa kamu berdua ketawa? Apa yg lucu sgt tu? Hah..Seimbangkan persamaan KIMIA ini...(time nie tgh belajar persamaan KIMIA)
Both of us in the silent moment..terbebek kejap...terus pura2 cari jawapan dlm buku..(tanda2 org sik tauk and cemas)
Cgu Tan: HAH!! berdiri kamu berdua...Lain kali bercakap lagi time cgu mengajar..Ketawa kuat2 lagi...pandai sangat la tu..
Both of us were so malu..muka kedak biji SAGA merah..nang shalu abis...We were standing through out the lesson..nasib baik satu period ja...huhuhu (first time kena marah cgu Kimia)...Dahla pengawas buat bising dalam kelas ...malu nya..

This memory reminds me that how naugthy i was in the secondary school ...walaupun aku pengawas and penah dapat anugerah pelajar BERMORAL.(mesti sik percaya...aku masih simpan sijil ia ok)...hihi

Moral of the story:
  1. Jangan buat lawak bodo dlm kelas cgu garang..
  2. Jangan hina orang sik sempurna (nanti TULAH...tgk mcm aku terus kena on the spot bah)
This is only a tiny part of it...mun ada masa agik, later i will share it in the next post...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Do i have the opportunity?

Do i have the opportunity :
  1. to say that i am sorry for my sin and mistakes?
  2. to find my truly LOVE?
  3. to say The "I Love You" phrase to someone i love?
  4. to kiss somebody passionately?
  5. to have kids n one and only wife in the future?
  6. to say that i love THEM very much?
  7. to have a meaningful life?
I hope that i never too late for all these... never too late to start...never too late to find it..i hope that i can fulfill it all...

p/s : effects from movies and dramas - all over the week..

I want to hold your hands.

How i wish i had those lovely memories,
with the great hugs and kisses,
i never know why i never feeling it,
i wish i know the meaning of it,
i always feel something missing,
that make my heart screaming and head spinning.

Sometimes i only see the unseen moments,
moments that i always imagine,
but it can't be reality,
because there will be always an unbreakable boundary.

Oh please say something to me,
Knowing something about LOVE it is a great pleasure for me,
But you never said something, anything, and it is all nothing,
The gruesome emptiness feeling,
Is growing up within me,
All because :

You Never Let Me Hold Your Hand

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Normal Human Being

There's a time that i felt that they neglected me...Never asked how am i doing? Have you taken your dinner? Are you sick/alright? Never asked about my life.. My ups and downs. It is hard to share 'things' with them. So i always keep it to myself...Truly, i'm jealous with them if they told that how close they are.. I never had the gorgeous opportunity. I will and always have a huge wall between me and them.. I know they are busy with their own things.. I try not to disturb them but i can't. I still thinking of them every breath i take... But do they remember me ? Do they still realize my existence?
I'm so sorry..I am just a normal human being.

I always make my friends laughed out of their heart and crying of joy when i hang out with them, with my ridiculous and fabulous jokes...Fun fact about me is, i actually enjoyed myself seeing my friends shinning and grinding sitting next to me.. there must be tears of joy..

Sometimes i hurt their feelings too with/without knowing it. I tend to do small/huge mistakes and yet it dramatically hurt their feelings. They do express their emotions directly/indirectly on their face.. Nevertheless, i try very hard to win their heart back and make things right/clear in my own way.. Undoubtedly, it did works and sometimes it doesn't..
I'm so sorry..I am just a normal human being.

Being a normal human being is extremely fractious.Never ending problems as well as happiness. Always tried very hard to hide it with pleasing and unbearable smiles.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


I want to share one cute moral story.. This adorable incident happened in KFC(Sing Kwong) while i was back in Sibu.My family decided to take away KFC for dinner. My father gave me RM50 to buy the family bucket which consists of 9 pieces of chicken (mix because ada org xmakan pedas). I entered and i saw only a few customers in the restaurant (about 5 people). So i queue up in the line and annoyingly there's only one counter opened. I was standing behind a son and his mother. The child is about 7 years old and has a very cute hair style.

We waited for our turn. I just look around the KFC and there's no NYEM(xdpt cuci mata). Back to the story...At the counter, there were a couple buying about 50 pieces of chicken(for party kot). (nang lama pekerja ia bungkus manuk ia) about 20 minutes.... i started making my grumpy face and an a pair of eagle eyes looking upon to the workers.(MOHA & LAPAR)
Suddenly i heard the little boy talking to the mother:
Mumy, lama endar... Lama endar seduai ia...(the little boy started to pull her mother dress)

The mother said:

Sabar jang.. Udah tok legik tua ...sabar auk. S A B A R (she spelled the word to her son)..The son repeated the word SABAR twice and he continued standing obediently waiting for their turn.

Pity the boy who was so hungry where he can't stand the delicious smell of the chicken(temptation). Aku dah besar tok agik sik tahan.
I who was standing behind, felt so touched on how the mother taught her son to be patient. The mother really know how cool down his son hunger as well as teaching him to be a real human.

This story is related to real life situation where by patient is needed. We as a human do face a lot of challenges that make our life miserable and unbearable. PATIENT is a key to it even though sometimes it didn't worked. (ada juak time moha2 kan) hiihi

Friday, October 1, 2010

Dust Gone...

Based on the title above, it is greatly mention that i have not been visiting n updating my blog for a few weeks...because i'm not in the mood of writing...(malas)...ada juak mulut madah - awal2 dolok rajin berblog kinek dah sik da...haha bukan sik ada just ambik masa rehat bah..

Compared me as a pregnant woman who need some faboluos rest after delivered some gorgeous BABIES

ok here what happened during Raya holidays...

On the 7th of September, my aunt Noreena get married..She is 27 years old and a kindergarten teacher. Her husband working over the sea (kerja ke laut org iban madah) haha...and seriously i forgot his name..hemm..short term memory.....

There are some funny things happenned throughout the wedding ceremony. Seriously i never attend any of long house wedding ceremony.(most of it were in the resturant)... It was a new experience for me. I was wondering what is so special about the Iban's wedding... I really sure that the ceremony will be INFECTED with the western culture where the bride wearing white wedding gown.

Am i right? The white cake, the wedding gown.. very westernize gtew....the first event is the speech by the both sides bride and bridegroom (which was in very aged iban language) i couldn't barely understand..

Cutting the Cake
The interesting part, Opening The TEPAK SIRIH.. Bakuk (dlm bhs iban ..i don't know the correct spelling) is actually a game where the representative from both sides compete to open the Bakuk...the first one who openned the bakuk is the Winner... to make it difficult.. The Bakuk will be tied with - selotape, rantai basikal, tali kapal and many more...(weird right..)...i can saw some bleeding hands while openning the thing...hemm nang gigih (shodan yg gigih) buka benda ia..
The final events was Serving The Tuak by the Bride and Bridegroom....sampai MABUK...

The wedding ceremony continues until morning, sampai jam 8 am...and
the cleaning part semua nya AKU YANG BUAT...I really hate it...can't you imagine all THE PUKE....bukan (PUK)...all over the tikar, ruai, and inside the toilet... can u image the smell and the colour of the puke?..hemm uweekksss...


Lepas cuci MUNTAH orang...
(But my granny said: It's ok. This is part of celebration. - i vommited again and again-)

All in all, i do learned some iban old ritual from the wedding... the most important message is please DRINK consiously/appropriately ..
MUNTAH BOLEH ..tapi muntah dekat baju n seluar sendiri yer..
atau just HIRUP balik muntah ia...ewww...

Monday, August 30, 2010

I don't mean to be mean...

Here is a little poem about the test today...


One big outrages test,
I felt the tense in my pants,
The old grumpy lady started to complain,
Because we sat too close and until we can hold each others hand.

She kept on saying test test test,
We had to change sitting place,
She afraid that we will copy and paste,
without her knowledge,
under the desk.

She yelled loudly from the stairs,
She said "No looking, talking, and even smiling to your friends.
I thought she had meaningless voice, intonation and stress.

Pressing the word 'test' again and again,
Made the girl sitting next to me had migraine,
Through the mind, soul, spirit, and brain,
Looking worse and thought her life gonna end.

I just answered the test anyway,
The quiz did make me gay,
Even though i am not well prepared,
But i tried to smile at her in a certain way,
Fortunately, my heart said :No way,
After the test, i just walked away.

Cute sik???

This is effect from the literature lesson (apa kah kaitan literature ngan D&P)..bole ja intergrate the lesson...kan..haha

Friday, August 27, 2010

Dinner with Her

After a few days skipping dating with her, i feel guilty. She quite up sad because ignoring her and went out with my friends. So at 7pm, i took her for a dinner. I boiled some water and I took her for bath. I put her in a pink dress. I let her relaxing in the pink bathtub. She was floating inside. She looked at me and said:
Please Close The Door, Sayang!!
Then i took the lid closed it. I waited for several minutes. I take out a box of raisins from my cupboard. I opened the lid.
Her smell was so tempting. Can't wait to lick and bite her with my pleasure skills(kenja & gatal). I pour some raisins on her body. Sweet enough to make me happy... I stirred her slowly and gently until it well mixed...
Finally i took my LARGE spoon and scooped her out of the dress. I bite her just like a VAMPIRE...i feel like Edward Cullen (indeed i am as NYEM as him) compliment to me!!... I feel the pleasure through my mouth, tongue n belly..(don't be jealous)... That was my lovely time having dinner with her...Miss Oats

HER with the pink dress

HER mixtures

Our marvelous drink Mr Green Tea

P/S: Aku sikda benda mok polah...haha


Right after class, steve n i went to Jalan TAR for raya shopping.(Raya juak ka?) we went to sogo 1st for our lunch then off to jalan tar. It was raining outside but the crowd is unbelievable.(sanggup jalan dlm hujan)..Sadly some parents brought their babies for shopping (dahla masih kecik mana la tau nak shopping baju) PELIK. Kesian anak ia dijunjung ke sana kemari...Worse thing, they still want to sequence themselves among the BarBaric crowd. hemm (geleng 2kepala)..

Mengalahkan org yg beraya...haha

I bought 4 kain kebaya n 2 DIVA's handbags for my mum n sister and kain batik for my dad. It only took 1 hour to grab those things because i had 'window shopping' before(twice within 3 days)NANG DIVA.. Then we decided to go for jeans n shoes hunting and at TS and Sg Wang..About 35 minutes journey, we arrived at Sg. Wang.We visited almost all the shop there (my style..mesti survey puas2) looking for jeans n shoes..Finally after 2 hour, i found my favourite jeans in FOS..'fall in love at the 1st sight'(matila bercinta ngan jeans)..Then we proceed to Time Square..Shoes hunting not finished we entered Body Glove shop and there finally Steve found his lovely shoes.(nang kacak) i pun jeles(matila)..rasa mok beli tapi aku jenis jarang pakai kasut..hemm..then we went for jeans alteration..It is cheap n we hv to wait for 30 minutes.. while waiting we did this...

FISH SPA~~~ ticklish aih..1st time ketawa aja2..

After took back our jeans and bought T-shirt, we come again to the same place. The auntie from jawa really nice to us. we tried this... NECK SHOULDER MASSAGE (tapi tak buka baju tau) jgn pikir bukan2..very nice yet relaxing..

After SPA-ing ourself, we walked back to commuter station. Then funny things happened. Steve actually has a Touch n Go card and i don't. So i have to queue up to buy it. Tapi train dh sampai kat bawah. so kami pun berlari anak turun tangga, Aku dengan pakai capal and plastic besar pulak tu mcm GORILLA jak turun tangga..and steve manage to get inside the train n i'm not..Memang time nak masuk pintu train tutup...Bunyi yang hanya dapat keluar dari mulut aku ialah..CIT CIT CIT.. Si Tikus nak buka pintu train..Orang duduk kat tepi2 semua ketawa incident itu..malunya..aku membawa diri ke satu sudut(buang kemaluan) n waited for another train..

Suddenly one message sampai:
Steve: Aku naik salah train!! Aku turun dekat chan sow lin..hahaha

Aku tergelak sorang2..(Sori Steve xdpt tahan)..Nasib aku tak naik td.. Sepatutnya kami naik pegi Sri Petaling..Tapi dia naik g Ampang..haha HAHAHA~~

So both of us meet at bandar tasik selatan n have a great laugh at the KTM.. Moral of the story : Must Look 1st At The Heading Of The from there we took KTM and back to UKM around 1030pm by bus..

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Beliefs In Life

Just now i was exploring my sms draf (if u are using advance hp it is hard to explain) Then i found this quotation that i typed in during sunset mass back in Kuching (St. Joseph Cathedral) ...the father said:

"Christian is all about loving, not about sin and not about to do sin. Love not work according to rules. Loving is to serve, make danger and make mistake"

St. Joseph Cathedral

Wonderful isn't it? I was attracted to this quotation until today..i keep it in my hp so that i can read it again n again..I always asked myself what am i a christian? what do people mean by real christian?

First time: My first bible was given by my sister. It was a small bible that is dark orange in colour, small. My sister gave it to me at the age of 15 if i not mistaken. I was so happy to receive it n enjoyed reading it.(wlaupun x brpa paham) Time kecik2 dulu, i never go to church.(serius) My parents never bring me there. Until i'm in form 4, that was my first time go to church, it was a week before Christmas with my family. Super duper excited. 1st time ba.. i just followed people...every single "movement" through out the mass. No one ever taught me how to pray.. I know that's sound silly but it is reality.. I just follow n learned along the way..i have no idea what "actual words of praying" that is supposed to say before eat,sleep, wake up n many more..i just create it by myself in my own words..even until my opinion it's not wrong and yet the words that i say is sincere..which is important ...sincerity to pray...

FYI my family is still conservative in terms of religion. Until now, we still practicing the ancient miring ceremony, which is a offering to God.. My little brother always argued that "we go to church but still having this"..usual answer: "this is our culture, never ever throw it away"..In the mass they said "stop doing THE is against the teaching.." (here i'm quite confused)depend ngan org kot..

Luckily, IPBL brings me a whole new understanding of christianity..My ex-rum8 teachd me lots of information..he is very good in explaining to me.i always asked questions: Good Friday tu pa? holy water is for what?story inside the bible? lots n lots of other questions..and he never failed to answer me..same goes to my other friends there..From there i learned bit by bit (like snail)about Christianity..i go to church every week. i joined the chapel group even i had class about Catholic(but i didn't finishd it due to pre-prcticum)..Then my sister, lil brother n i was baptised in 2007 as a Methodist, 2 days before Christmas (without any class to attend - i mean intro n content)..what to do? never joined the Sunday school..hemm

Now in UKM,honestly i seldom go to the friends asked: why last time you quite active but now not so? yes i do admit answer is..
"praying is an act of willingness and sincere"
..barula berkat.pegi church/praying no need to heboh2.. It is between you n God kalau x pegi chruch masih jugak bole sembhyg...dimana2 pun mesti kan...that should be the way..i'm sad if people said:pergi church for ikut kawan, cari nyem2,cari bf/gf, sbb hari ahad nak shopping lepas sembahyng..mmg tidak ikhlas..(sori if i tembak here)

okay..this is my interpretation of my own beliefs in life...some people totally reject it n some might stand by me..(btol kan?) hihi adios..